Off-topic » Heroes Lore Zero
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idiot_terror: Btw. For qwerty keypad phones, open the game file and when you were ask for sound on/off just press the shift or the arror to the left-bottom of your keypad. Now you'll have a 123456789*#0 navigation. I guess you encounter that problem too.
12-02-26 03:32
idiot_terror: That's cool :)
12-02-26 02:56
lucifer789: I play :)
12-02-26 00:55
idiot_terror: Well, you can posta feed back, questions or tips too, shall you? :)

I'm currently on expert mode. Near its end lol
12-02-25 20:24
idiot_terror: Here's the link. Just
download what suits on your phone
12-02-25 20:15
idiot_terror: *Heroes Lore Zero 176x220 English

*Heroes Lore Zero 320x240

*Heroes Lore Zero 360x420

*Heroes Lore Zero 240x320
12-02-25 20:14
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