-p4nzer-: Make a new system for a clan,,, ithink too cheap price to create clan becoz that all players easy to leave/delete/create. if u see guild in others game like a vten (sorry im not promo) you must pay 100g > 100c and we can upgrade our clan like a give 5% stat ,+2 place for new member, earn more exp each lvl up , if want to upgrade clan members must pay tax with credit and gold
All we can feel a presticius clan and make a competion in arena/castle thanks i hope dreamer read my post
13-07-16 08:24
lichmaster: make a way where kids can purchase credits
13-07-16 21:04
ipecac: Make a pay 1c to rename an item. I have sold good items i got in trades because the previous owner named it something i didnt like.
13-07-18 01:05
lothario: why dont u make unsocketing would not destroy gems or runes? so we can craft that again in named gears by players plus we can truly choose the right choice of gems or runes for our build. gems or runes also affects in gears buying or selling. sometimes u just buy cheap gears coz of that good runes. plus if we unsocket lvl25 crafted pieces gear so low level can use it, they still can craft what we unsocket after they reach level requirements. and please move that unsocketing npc to 1st town each class so lvl10 can unsocket and resocket when they reach lvl20,30,40,50,60.
13-07-18 02:34
jry16: Well, I woke up this morning and got on Black Dragon, like usual and noticed something kind of funny. We dont wear pants on this game. I know some armor is whole body, but mostly its just chest armor. Maybe pants is a good idea.
13-07-18 02:40
ipecac: Add a pvp normal/on/hardcore dropdown setting. If 2 players have pvp on, they can battle anywhere on map.
13-07-28 02:41