wolf13: I think of an amazing idea!!. You go to homescreen everytime you locked in to play!!. Then before you reach home screen there must load a page that says play server(1) or play server (3) called battle 99 haha!. Server 1 is the same as always but server 3 is almost like server 2. You can go kill people every where in the map that has locked in with s(3)!!. Awesome idea so far!!. Then there is a next idea for this s(3) you load a next page after choosen s(3) that ask you 1. play freeplay or battle groups/teams where you will be put in 1 of 2 groups/teams!!. The bad guys and the good guys that respawns at 2 differant places!!. This teams fight for 1 round and that is 30 min!. The team with the most kills win battle points!!. These battle points will be counted together of each month and the 3 teams with the most points will be rewarded with credits and items!!. A team can only have 5 players. The players who wants to play battle teams must be level 50 and more and they must be leveled like this to create a group/team!. There can be 5 level 50's that creates a team or 4 level 60's and one other level from level 50 and higher that creates a team or 3 level 70's and any other 2 ((differant)) levels. Or 1 level 50-59 and 1 level 60-69 and 1 level 70-79 and one 1 level 80-89 and 1 level 90-99. I also recommend that this game will require a new clas healer that can heal people who fight in teams !!. The healer can only be made to play s3 freeplay and battle team this my awesome idea

14-02-16 16:46
wolf13: Okey Dreamer here is my suggestion and idea for a faster better and Convenient why for selling items in marketplace this will Benefit the players as well for you

and your game

!!!. Trust me!!. Ok here is my idea!!. If we go to marketplace and we click on sell items for credits or gold and we click on (sell -icon) then a page should load the next-> fast selling or ordinary selling then if we click on fast selling then the next page comes up 5-10 credits (make your price) to sell then this is how items will be sold !!. My example contains following ,the whole list of your inventory items listed and there must be a icon also that says (days if not sold)!!. This icon can go up to 10 days, and for every day the item is not sold there will be taken 1 credit but if they put 5 days for an item for an example, then 5 credits should already be given as deposit by players that if items is sold in 2 days then marketplace can give the 3 credits back that was not used. Well then at the right side of page, next to the listed items stand the next (credits/gold) (starting price)- (buy it now) (days if not sold) (cancel) this stands next to each of the items listed in inventory! Ordinary selling goes as usual

!!. THANKS WolF13
14-02-12 23:54
kaos: Know how you stacked invemtory items? Why not do the same for the storage? I would also think stacked items should count as one item till it hits maybe 30 items in one stack then moves on to another stack. So say you have 30 stamina potions, you get another, that stamina potion becomes another stack.
14-02-11 19:54
killndie: Hi, want to give a detailed improvement on how to make +5% buy feature for the pets.
Hope it be possible to buy the bonus instead of lvling since pets have problem to face up to desirable monsters especially each new type you introducing, so...
I was thinking in the credit section, to make it possible to allow 2 drop down boxes for the buying option...
slot 1 will be pet slot you choose... like for my character my pet.. 1 slot is dragon lord...and my pet 2 slot is Cthulhu, so it doesn't get confused of giving it out to wrong pet.
with that idea in place it could be simple such as random stat.. If u just kept with just one drop box idea..... This will look like this as it follows:
You choose a pet then your pet will suddenly gain maybe +5% damage or Armour or Health points or Dexterity without given the choice... and the writing will come up on next page to say what it got given towards, and the player would have to manually go to pet page to see the effect if he/she so chooses.
or you can go further... and give a 2nd drop box of saying how much of a bonus you want for pet to be given of free choice for you to put onto your own pet that the same effect of leveling it up, but it's not leveled just given the bonus % such as +5%, +10%, +20%, +30% for the user to give. giving a discount as u do the more bought.
The effect can be done by showing on top of the pet section could have different word instead of just leveled! to be changed to spare stats available!? or something like that, no one would care could be kept with just leveled! thing lol.
then it'll be the usual or choosing etc. this will also effect the way people choose to buy and sell pets on the market as well.
oh yeah! I was also wondering if you maybe could allow even boosts from jewels to effect pets as well as players simultaneously .. only thing different would be wisdom maybe could be added to health instead.... and strength of course will just go to damage and it will temporary boost pets as well as players. that also be a nice update.
Thanks for the read
14-02-10 22:41
puncher: The chips lottery could be sold for credits, so players do not depend just drop in order to spin the roulette. By puncher
14-01-27 18:12