swordman12: At a certain high lv, you can kill any quest monsters you want.
14-01-19 22:05
wolf13: My idea for this awesome game is called BD-lucky monster

. Everyone can't kill quest monsters!. My solution or idea contains following: There will appear every hour anywhere in Map a (BD-lucky monster ) this BD- lucky monster can be killed by anyone from level 1-100 for example, the first person to fight monster and kill it gets 100,000 Experience points no matter what his level and he will be rewarded with a armor or weapon for his level and character with 1-3 skill points at end!!.

14-01-24 14:48
zanderq: When you go at marketplace then they will give stuff at you're own level and you can search for Gold or Credits and you can search for price amount** I hope this is good
14-01-24 18:23
zanderq: Get new Missions for attacking some Amount of different type of monsters and then get prizes** hope this is good
14-01-24 18:26
zanderq: At marketplace you can then sell credits for gold and pets for gold*** hope it is good
14-01-24 18:27
knight_ride: My ideea is . . .if someone unsock item,that gem or rune can be used again (no destroyed )

: by knight_ride
14-01-27 08:24