levels, this applies if the pet is seated and stay alive,
the player can not use or sell pet if he has more than
3 pet and the solution is to remove one pet, is that
gold can function optimally and prices revive pet at
Rev be 20c.
16-03-11 10:16

When we equip items like weapon and we choose other weapon in inventory we will see the different of it, but we must take off item that we equipedd before equip item in inventory, I think it will effectivly when we can replace item that we equipped. For example I equip wizendraw and I choose cliffkiller from inventory to see the different stat of both item, and I decided to equip cliffkiller and I can replace it, now I wear cliffkiller and wizendraw in my inventory
16-02-15 06:26

#Take Item at Marketplace [Temaket Update]#
We are a human, and we often make a mistake in our life. In this game, I often see an item like magic scroll that have price 100k credits, I think people that sell it want sell his ms with gold but he make a mistake an place a wrong price on that item.
#Temaket Update
You can Take item at marketplace directly, when your item have spend 3 hours in marketplace and no one bid it.

16-02-15 06:08

#Timer Lock Trade#
Helping people is good attitude, and scammer is a crime. Why hard for you to believe pople ? Why hard for you to keep a promise ? It is our problems here, people want help other people that have a problem about wearing gear, but worry if that people we help are scammer. Some people in this game is hard to believe other people and hard to keep a promise, isn't right ? Honesty and Faith is expensive item in this game. As you know, hard to find scammer, to avoid it we need this update.
#Timer Lock Trade Update
Place under normal trade or everywere you want, like normal trade, if you choose this trade, people A make offer, people B reply it and trade will complete, and booth people will get item that have a timer and a lock. Timer on item means that item will back to the owner when time is colapse(00:00), you can set how much time you want for item back to the owner(you can set how much time people can borrow your item). Lock on item means that items can't be destroy, sell at blacksmith, sell at marketplace, drop from pvp, trade with different people, save at keeper or storage, only can be equiped and place in inventory.

16-02-15 05:55

16-01-09 15:06

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