Ideas » Ideas on BD's update.
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_kirito_: New battle m0de , 4 ex: ";Duel mode" - it's like pvp but Duel mode can play in all map... U can offer ur enemy and w8 4 h/s confirmation to fight -good2-
13-03-21 09:57
nostradam: hope theres an option to
increase skill permanently using creds.
not like the increase 'health and mana'
thing that u can only use once. its a total
waste of creds. ure being greedy for
creds/money. permanent skill increase
thats better!
13-03-08 09:40
nostradam: hope theres an option to increase skill permanently using creds. not like the increase 'health and mana' thing that u can only once. its a total waste of creds. ure being greedy for creds/money. permanent skill increase thats better!
13-03-08 09:38
annadango: Pet evolution is a really cool idea.
13-03-05 09:18
gaw: Please add a alert for pet level up, I keep missing it then my pet is level 1 then its level 4 and I've missed 3 chances to add 15% to any of its stats, make it like our level up alert?
13-02-27 08:50
dc701: Plz make a topic where u post the taken ideas from player.
13-02-25 06:42
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