maybe Upgrade class update
we know there are d.a as
evolution class but maybe it will
be more nice if each class get
their evolution or upgrade.
Same as d.a service you must
pay 1000c and reach lv100 to
upgrade your class. Upgrade
class list :
Amazon become Huntress
Assassin become Ace
Barbarian become Berseker
Druid become Sorcerer
Necromancer become Death
Paladin become Knight
Upgrade class efect you will get
1.5x bonus class and -50%
requirments to equip class gear
and max spell increase become
Barbarian lv 47
Strength: +20%
Endurance: +12%
Damage: +20%
Berseker lv 47
Strength: +30%
Endurance: +18%
Damage: +30%
You also can took other class
bonus, your basic class bonus
will decrease 50% and other
class bonus decrease 50%, you
only can took 1 other class
bonus beside your basic class
Example: you are berseker want
took assassin bonus class
Berseker lv 47 with assassin
bonus class
Bonus from assassin :
Dexterity: +6%
Endurance: +6%
Damage: +10%
Life leech: +6%
Critical Blow
Bonus from basic class
(barbarian) :
Strength: +10%
Endurance: +6%
Damage: +10%
15-12-31 06:07
15-12-31 06:10

make storage like inventory, item that have same name like 10x magic scroll not magic scroll magic scroll magic scroll...., if you want to move your item from storage to inventory or reverse for example you have 7x magic scroll in your storage, than you want to move in your inventory, you klik on 7x magic scroll text than appear dialogue text ''like want to sell item'' this text will appear when you have more than 2item that have same name
15-12-31 05:22

maybe Upgrade class update
we know there are d.a as
evolution class but maybe it will
be more nice if each class get
their evolution or upgrade.
Same as d.a service you must
pay 1000c and reach lv100 to
upgrade your class. Upgrade
class list :
Amazon become Huntress
Assassin become Ace
Barbarian become Berseker
Druid become Sorcerer
Necromancer become Death
Paladin become Knight
Upgrade class efect you will get
1.5x bonus class and -50%
requirments to equip class gear
and max spell increase become
15-12-31 05:05

Settings idea
Choice of setting where a selected pet can either attack first or last per battle, alpha mode or omega mode
That way high level players raising low level pets can actually raise them.
Maybe... Then all lv 80 pets would probably be all one hit wonders though and players themselves wouldn't even get exp... Thinking..again..which is bad lol
15-12-17 00:52

15-10-13 17:22