Ideas » Ideas on BD's update.
oops: Make it to where a chr has to pay gold to teleport to towns like 5 gold per level or 10 this way the gold you earn is used. so say your a level 100 would cost 1000 gold
13-04-26 00:43
skatergirl13: @oops,that's a horrible idea!
13-04-26 17:55
diablo25: i suggest we need black dragon war.5pm on day will war will have team.on secret place.there will be have 2 tatle to battle. Lvl 60-79 , lvl 80+ it have fun.will have 2 castle and more path to can depend castle :D
13-04-29 01:31
sxyhillbilly: A pet battle arena would be lots of fun can do like pvps arena for fun and an arena for gaining exp and random items from fighting other players pets -swords-
13-05-14 05:55
marcodaytona: u could make it to where u could share exp with your clan that u gain or otherz that r in tha clan
13-05-20 22:11
marcodaytona: also make to where if we r selling something to some for gold/credits that it will go to that person only and you get the gold/credits
13-05-20 22:14
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