nymeria: Like walking dead i ll go to farm.
12-03-22 00:28
chops: depends on the zombie. are thay slow walkers. id say 30 pack and a bulldozer.
12-03-23 00:23
woodcuty1: there all different somes faster then others some are stronger then others
12-03-23 00:30
woodcuty1: and somes smarter than others
12-03-23 00:30
chops: unlike you woody i have no experiance with zombies that i know of. i did date this girl once. she was kinda dead. maybe she was a zombie thinking back. at my work. thay must be the dumb slow walker type zombie . hmm.
12-03-23 13:06
chops: 1st thing is to get a few peaple togather and arm them. trusted friends is best. id have to say shotguns and sniper rifle and semi auto hand guns. also semi auto or even full auto rifles if ya can find em. secure a safe area. find water and food. this will be your base of operation.
12-03-23 13:24