chops: id be more afraid of infected peaple from germ warfare and or the goverment takeover
12-03-23 19:39
shirako123: Lmao some peoples never touch in a weapon and say: "In zombie apocalipse i ll kill all zombies"
12-03-23 16:15
chops: plan an excape. points of intrest. police stations. sporting good shops. armorys etc. to find body armor weapons. there be others like you trying to take what u got.
12-03-23 16:06
chops: get cb raidios. cell phones wont work. find power souce. generators. fuel for power equipment. cars etc.
12-03-23 14:22
chops: 1st thing is to get a few peaple togather and arm them. trusted friends is best. id have to say shotguns and sniper rifle and semi auto hand guns. also semi auto or even full auto rifles if ya can find em. secure a safe area. find water and food. this will be your base of operation.
12-03-23 13:24