idiot_terror: It's not a glitch or error or bug. It's called idle time.
12-03-07 16:01
muttleyaxe: As I said in chat the day before to chops/bandito. I'd had a s2 player PM asking about the very issue of being attacked and they lost a very important piece of gear during that idle time. I do not play s2 and have been extremely busy at work and hadn't been able to be on very much lately. I am thankful chops saw this happening and figured out the idle times for such areas. All players, especially server 2 players, need to be aware of this. And it *IS* a mods job to, as best their ability, to help track down problems, possible glitches, etc when a player or players mention them. The more information when can gather on such things, the quicker and easier it is for dreamer to make adjustments, fixes, etc.
12-03-07 22:29
chops: well in my quest on pvp issue. i was able to attk strider with zero stam? i was empty yet could attk. i thought and i could be wrong that you had to have 5 stam....?
12-03-08 02:58
chops: next test is to find if i can attk a char who has 0 stam. nead help. dont wanna be accused of cheating lol.
12-03-08 03:05
muttleyaxe: If it is in arena, I believe stamina does not count since it is a no-stamina movement area.
12-03-08 04:52
chops: battle arena is free movement. castle arena is not. if outa stam you cant move yet you can attk. i thought if out of stam you couldnt attk or be attked.
12-03-08 14:11