chops: next test is to find if i can attk a char who has 0 stam. nead help. dont wanna be accused of cheating lol.
12-03-08 03:05
chops: well in my quest on pvp issue. i was able to attk strider with zero stam? i was empty yet could attk. i thought and i could be wrong that you had to have 5 stam....?
12-03-08 02:58
muttleyaxe: As I said in chat the day before to chops/bandito. I'd had a s2 player PM asking about the very issue of being attacked and they lost a very important piece of gear during that idle time. I do not play s2 and have been extremely busy at work and hadn't been able to be on very much lately. I am thankful chops saw this happening and figured out the idle times for such areas. All players, especially server 2 players, need to be aware of this. And it *IS* a mods job to, as best their ability, to help track down problems, possible glitches, etc when a player or players mention them. The more information when can gather on such things, the quicker and easier it is for dreamer to make adjustments, fixes, etc.
12-03-07 22:29
idiot_terror: It's not a glitch or error or bug. It's called idle time.
12-03-07 16:01
chops: thats true you will see your char. but if you see that char in pvp area and try to attk. message will say player is off line. ill check it out to be sure.
12-03-07 14:18
bear_grylls: Actually , logging off doesnt take your chr out of the game right away either . I have switched chrs went straight to the list of online players and both my chrs were on the list
12-03-07 09:09