Ideas » Site skins and themes
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abats: I am new player and i dont know much about game mechanics, but my first thoughts about game isn't very good. I dont say this game is bad, but there are some things what need make much better.
First of them is 'game menu organization' or how game looks like. I mean the game skin or theme. There are many players and they play with different phones or even PC, and these skins what is in game now change only color. My idea is make more skins for different types of browser. And there i dont speak about shiny colors or better graphic but just simple ORGANIZATION, link placement and space cutting. It feels like bold headings make game menu a bit empty. But its not true! Game is full of interesting content what needs to be revealed.
12-03-16 06:04
-marko-: Dont like
12-03-16 11:40
idiot_terror: Working... :)
12-03-16 17:15
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