ciege7: Looks like they re-appeared in my keeper's inventory where I got them before crafting them together. Odd. Werent in either places for a bit (items/invent) and the » with the continue made me wonder if my gems had been murdered. :'

Guessing they got lost in some delay and came back (if theyre all back) or that shady looking paladin keeper guy was toying with them to see if id notice. Looks like theyre back. Too much picking for the poofing. 9 lvl 1s per a lvl3, 21 for a lvl 4, and 63 for a lvl 5. Hope it wasnt some kind of hack gem rerouting to pwr up some loser too lazy to build their skill lvls.
12-03-17 03:58
ciege7: While crafting gems for higher lvls 3 and 4, I get the continue button with a continue» and my gems disappear. Thinking its been hacked on s2 and someones been cashing in a megaload from people. -smh- Out of over 16 emeralds I have 2 lvl 1s and a lvl 2? o.O Im tissed.
12-03-16 23:30
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