Ideas » Incorporate Spell/Battle Item/Pet System
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ciege7: When initiating a monster battle, you input choice spell and pet. How about incorporating a battle item used only once and defaults to empty after used. Not mana or hp potions though. Attack items. Maybe players have a fanny pack of 4-6 battle items to stock and choose from and premiums have 12, supporters 8. It holds things like battle scrolls, napalms, and specialty attack items. Smoke screen, Vial of glass shards, Itching powder. Burning Cow dung. Hot soup. Soap in a sock. "mob(A) uses (Bitem) on mob(B) for (Bitem.dmg) successfully." or "mob(A)'s attempt to use (Bitem) on mob(B) failed and was pick(list=destroyed, lost, stolen) in the fight." Bitem ideas above are for levity reasons only. Maybe you can get the itching powder for 25 dracoins at the Dracoin Exchange. ;) Just ideas.
12-03-17 06:10
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