Ideas » clans
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kingpins: Win u add clan bounses for owning castels maybie 1 or 2% toward a stat... That will create more clan wars and stuff just for wanting to get and keep that catels to keep the bounses... Also can u plz add in were people apply to a clan were u dont have to invite members they can apply were u get a msg sayin member want to join ur clan and u can accept or deny application...
12-03-21 20:58
nymeria: Ll be nice ranks to monsters.

(1) 1000 each(1000+ Monster price)

(10) 10000 each like?
12-03-22 00:09
kingpins: Yuep
12-03-22 08:49
idiot_terror: Double the price for each rank :)
12-03-22 18:17
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