Off-topic » What are u best friend on BD??
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shirako123: I have loots of friends,but i like mehmud(Charlie and others ),Tarzanx24(When he dont flirt),i realy like the Chops and Kinpins Fights,the morena hair(Only hair-rofl-),and fishmoth.

What are u best friends here?
12-03-27 01:30
shirako123: Ops forgot Soan,he are a bad salesman,but he help me a lot.
12-03-27 01:36
puji: I dnt hv friends ;( ;( ;( ;( ;( ;(
12-03-27 01:50
tazeem: Oh :S
12-03-27 02:21
soan: 8)
12-03-27 09:18
chops: my best friend is a pkd char. lol Dead noobs are best. lol
12-03-27 14:37
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