firesage: Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate,Final Fantasy (Only have the Strategy ones;Tactics,Revelant Wings,etc),and Etrian Odyssey
13-06-22 22:08
-krixus-: I kinda got a few.. Befor new generation games obviously pokemon and dragon warrior monsters 1+2 we're very good games.. If you mail me I can tell you where to get emulaters for you phone to play them but I'm not sure on touchscreen. Now if you go playstation 1+ any final fantasy is a game I have lost over 100 hours of my life to :| I actually am still a walking encyclopiedia for ffvii I know every tiny thing about it which is kinda strange but then I did play it a lot and frequently haha.. Final viii was another excellent game but never had anything on vii for me and 9 was way to easy.. Fianal 10 is my gave game on the ps2 and now I'm completely stuck.. Skyrim or fallout is the best I could say but ffvii will always take that place.. Or possibly metal gear solid I can't wait for the new free roam version on the ps4/xbox1
13-06-22 02:02
justex10: Final Fantasy XII and Monster Hunter 2. These two are my bests and i love them! I have finished FF XII almost 5 times and im still not bored
13-06-21 00:55
jack444: super smash bros brawl
13-06-15 15:17
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