xxcesarxx: Lets revive this forum :v
16-02-13 11:08
tin_soldier: it's kinda pointless since dreamer added trade chat
16-02-14 17:57
ultimasdrakonis: Not pointless actually a lot more reliable if ppl actually used it
17-01-14 01:14
grapple: DM me if you have any of these peices: Barbarian’s King Mace #2, Graven Spine #3, Grey Leather Armor #2, Hell Plague #2, Imperial Sword #3, Lava Boots #3, Lazaurus Spire #3, Shadow Flang #1, Silver Boots #2, The Salamander #3, Venoms Wand #2 [Server: Gaia #1]
17-07-24 07:31
grapple: Looking for
Barbarian King's Mace - #2
Chaos Armor - #3
Graven Spine - #3
Grey Leather Armor - #2
Hell Plague - #2
Imperial Sword - #3
Lava Boots - #3
Lazarus Spire - #3
Shadow Flang - #1
Silver Boots - #2
The Minotaur - #1
War Bonnet - #3
17-07-30 18:12
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