Ideas » Elemental pets
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knight01: I think pets should have elements (fire,water,wind,earth and lightning), giving them special abilities and skills. If you already have a pet, you can now go to your second city, wherein you can see an elemental trainer that will help your pet to master a chosen element. You can only choose a single element type. Your pet will be given a challenge (killing a strong unit using only your pet) which if your pet killed it, you can now achieve the element type you have chosen. Any ideas on the pluses on each element type?
12-04-27 15:35
lucifer789: This its not bad idea :)
12-04-27 17:41
phoenixvirus: wow thatz amazing idea bro if u have a dragon pet.. You will choose the type of your pet: fire dragon, water dragon, wind dragon, earth dragon and thunder dragon... Were is ice dragon? Haha kindly add i element bro the (ice). :)
12-04-28 02:58
xnymeriax: A fire dragon can cast inferno,A Water Frost ring,a earth implosion and a air Titans Lighting bolt,sounds nice
12-04-29 19:47
knight01: This would also set some variations on lvl 80+ players' pet coz they might have the same pet and same build.
12-06-23 02:42
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