Ideas » View and get option for items in keeper than autoget on click
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444: The click and get option rates time...its a no brainer
12-06-18 00:00
teeta: This idea has been suggested before, & we still don't have that capability.
12-05-09 00:38
ciege7: Sometimes than just getting an item from the keeper automatically on click, Id rather just view its stats first then select a Get or Retrieve option below them. Kinda like the screens you get when you click equipped items or carried items and it shows its pic and stats then the options of equip unequip or destroy. Maybe add the destroy or a trash option below the get option. Anyway, it be a nice feature to know what I was plucking from the keeper statistic wise than just by title or to be able to browse items kept. Unless those items are being kept in a jet black cave, I should be able to view what Im getting first. lol Thx.
12-05-03 04:10
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