-drama-: So lets just say I am in golem land and a friend of mine needs some gear that is in elf town.. well neither one of us even with full stamina has enough stamina to make it all the way to one area or the other.. and even if we did, we could not make it back.
So we both agree to meet half way by centaur lands outside druid city... we both meet there, but know we have no stamina to get back..
I propose we have an ability to mark a location for portal..
In this scenario before I leave golem lands I mark a spot to create portal. When I reach my friend I cast spell to marked location and step back to where I was..
I don't think wisdom requirements should be to high to be fair to barbarians.. and equal for all classes.. and perhaps put a time limit to how often you could use a marked portal spell.. (like once every hour)
10-08-06 17:57
50-cal: Well im sure most have noticed that when u port to town it always puts u in the center, im sure thats so as not to load up the server with portals, so perhaps a marked location in each or a few areas where you could activate a portal and choose your destination, like a magic taxi service
10-08-07 02:56
drrockso: That would make it to easy 4 the m0re traveld players to spread gear to a select few.
10-08-07 04:13
50-cal: Not really, would still need a certain wisdom level to port to certain areas
10-08-07 05:31
the-wiz: well not just that.. but lets just say I had some Glorious hard leather armor to give a you.. and I was across the map.. for gear like that wouldn't you come to me?.. just saying when it comes to really good gear.. peple will go out of their way to get it, portals or not.
10-08-07 05:59
50-cal: Well that was just an example lol, sure there would be many uses for them
10-08-07 06:32