General » The never-ending story while we wait on stamina thread
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1nfam0us: And some kind of worrior killed him in that words. "i will respawn" shouts king crocodile
10-08-08 00:54
chops: and then chops rings the bell in the town square. wake up peaple, that gas has made us crazy. dnt pull that finger. its a spell! whats really going on is....
10-08-08 08:14
-drama-: The priest's real name is Kenzo Tsujimoto, he comes from a far away land called capcom. He sucks the life from lands and moves on to others.. he is out to destroy us... we must...
10-08-08 15:37
1nfam0us: ... To poop him off!
10-08-08 18:59
lumeria: Destroy the priest and where he comes the towns people form a army
10-08-08 19:09
ch0ps: the towns peaple army refuse to buy any capcom products. the smith forges golf club and thay....
10-08-08 23:28
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