Announcements » Wishlist
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judgement: My update suggestion/idea:
Create a credit lottery. A weekly random drawing for a determined amount of credits as set by dreamer.
How to enter the lottery: Find a lottery token ( a drop item that be found on any monster. ) To keep everything fair and even. Tokens cant be bought from game. Cant be sold or traded. One entry per person per week. Drop rate determined by dreamer. This idea would totally boost active hunting and strive to find a token to enter the lottery. Would also benefit those who cant buy credits or cant afford them and would create a achievement goal for each person.
By making it a token a drop item, everyone has the same chance to find 1. Just a suggestion I thought might liven up game play n keep players active.
12-06-25 07:12
clash: Wow I like that suggestion judgement. Its very creative and very cool
12-06-25 08:52
tarzanx24: Heres my idea about CASTLE GAME: every 24hrs depending on castle the clan leader recieve 10million gold/1c.. Add strong mobs like Chaos hyrdra,Night dragon, Ancient behemoth, Arch devil ,Ghost dragon and Shinny night dragon to guard but no experience and drop recive by killing them ( coz somebody abuse to leveling them and i think its unfair ) add rank on every castle mobs. Reduce time limit in every battle make it 20sec only. Extend battles on 20 fights. In That case the CLAN WARS beggins and the effort and hardwork on capturing and depending castle have benifits..
12-06-25 12:57
tarzanx24: And also change pvp battle... Instead of cast spell hit cast spell hit change it to cast spell cast spell hit hit... Here happen on pvp: player1 (the attacker) cast spell, player2 (the reciever) cast spell then player1 hit player2 damage ., player2 hit player1 damage... In that situation spell and counter spell work,, instead of The firsT aTtacker always Take advanTage of 1sT casted spell ThaT yoU canT block coz Thex already hit you before the reciever cast their spell... I hope you grant it dreamer for fair baTtle ..
12-06-25 19:11
tarzanx24: And for druid remove the chance of blocking the 3 magical spell by Using 1 proTecTion spell only,, Ussually if you Used only 1 counter magical spell its active on 3 round it makes druid , necro and paladin weak... I suggest that to counter magical spell make it per round... Heres happen now .. Player1 cast protection fron earth, player2 casted implosion damage 0,, player1 cast implosion damage 123 player2 cast implosion damage 0, player1 casten implosion dmage !23, player2 cast implosion damage0, i think it so unfair... Heres my wish changed... Player1 cast protection frm earth player2 cast implosion damage0, player1 cast implosion damage 123, player2 cast implosion damage !23
12-06-25 19:58
tarzanx24: In that case druid magic spell was hard to block and druid have power now per round..
12-06-25 20:01
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