berzeker: I hope there are place for private clan chat
12-06-28 10:55
berzeker: Please black dragon map game isn't in 4shared
cause i play in mobile
12-06-28 08:43
murmillo: i suggest to put a trade page on the profile where in you can put any items on it and when look your profile he can offer something to you.
12-06-28 06:54
murmillo: I suggest to put events battle in battle arena like putting quest or player must beat on it.
12-06-28 06:50
lost_boy: I wish you would remove legendary items from the tasks . Im only level 3 and it is impossible for me to get server 2 recipes not to mention that even if i could , why would i burn a mask of slaughter for a level 3 jewel . Thank you for your consideration on this matter
12-06-28 05:50
woodcuty1: what i think there should be wepons and armour between lv 25 - 80 thats a big jump to start getting better stuff u should make items for lv 50. like find pieces of sets and get all three to make it
12-06-28 04:08