mammut01: I suggest if we can have items that can upgrade gears.
We can call it refines.
Bronze,silver,gold and platinum.
Bronze=25% success rate
Gold=75% Platinum=100%. Ofcourse as it gets higher,the rarer
the item would be. Example,
Behemoth's maul can get to
Behemoth's maul (+1) and so on... I
know everyone would love that. I posted this on
FAQ section so muttleyaxe told me to post it in here. (quote)i'd like to add some idea, bronze can
be used for +1-+5 only, silver +6-+10,gold
+11-15,then silver +16-so on...of course easiest
item to find would be bronze,then harder up to
platinum. Dreamer can put it in credit section,so we
can purchase it there.and drop rate depending on rarity.
12-06-28 03:15
darkelf: those updates are great but they are just sideshows. much better to focus all the effort first on the level 80+ players and give them a new purpose in the game. that way all their effort in levelling will be paid off. it would also benifit the new and lower level players to give em a sense of purpose. others including me made suggestions that are short term. much better to focus first on the long term then do the little tweaks. that would be great. just suggesting.^^
12-06-28 03:06
venomancer: I wish that our task make simplier and easy, like giving task destination to know where we can get those item, like e.o. Hehe
12-06-28 02:59
aaron98: I had an idea about the quest list.
i would like to see an update were you can see a quest units stats on the quest list by clicking a link under the picture of the quest that says »Stats. i hope you put this as an update so we dont have to go all the way to the other side of the map just to get killed by a master!
12-06-28 02:52
darkelf: please make the game more visually entertaining by updating or changing the character's sprite in the map. it looks kinda very old school. go google "sprites in rm2k or rm2k3" you will see lots of goodlooking sprites that you can use for the pally, barb, druid and necro class. just adjust the dimension to fit into the map and it will be great. seriously update it. it looks like in the early 90's.
12-06-28 00:38
laimiausias: What's lithuanians moderator? Fa..
12-06-27 16:56