suryafang: Hello, i wish to all spell that not random list , so all spell can get with easy and fun. Im newbie btw i don't know the name of all spell
12-06-25 02:36
kleenor: if u are a supporter, u can see what rank is ur quest when u click the quests link in main page..

12-06-25 00:24
kleenor: h0w ab0ut every 200 hours of total game play, you can get free one credit..
12-06-25 00:11
kleenor: when learning spells on city, the priest/druid/shaman shall let u see all the spells he can teach u..
12-06-25 00:07
f3ar: Make Priemum and Supporter available on a daily basis? Priemum @ 5 credits per day. And Supporter @ 2 maybe?
12-06-24 22:44