strider: Easyer way to buy credits from your fone i have tryed for a wile and cant do it
12-06-24 05:52
coyiewong: new photo in char .... New char.... Skin backgrnd.... Bonus expi in l0ng time online.... Wish have t0wn portal easy to telep.....
12-06-24 04:27
coyiewong: apps for bd

..... to mobile
12-06-24 04:22
f3ar: Id like a refresh button at the bottem of the chat page also. Its a pain 2 scroll bak up 2 the top of page 2 refresh.
12-06-24 03:51
dragonknight25: dreamer update link use and delete over the potion will be useful .
12-06-24 02:18