riddic: I don't know if ne1 has already suggested this or not but I would like to see a change in the drops u get. I think they should get better with the increased difficulty of mobs ur hunting especially on quest's. it frustrating to kill a lvl 80 mob or quest and get a ring of health (I)
12-07-01 06:53
clash: Dreamer you should put stamina potions in all city shops. Sale for 1 credit each. That will help players and get credits flowing
12-07-01 07:09
laimiausias: Com back tankistas from moderator

12-07-01 10:29
aqua32: Add some coversation on a message list, thats why u remember what we send to other player.
12-07-01 11:06
aaron98: *NEW CLASS*
Starting stats>
Starting weapon>
Desc:Very good melee fighters with healing powers
12-07-01 16:26