hanz10: add stamina for elven battlemage boots.
12-06-23 12:30
pure-havoc: i like the clan war idea, giving legendary items as reward... also the two weapon slot..

n some minor updates like1. a pets section info in the library. 2. different chat rooms for different server..
12-06-23 11:26
schatzriou: Put a daily bonus, like cred, item or recipe, it would be great
12-06-23 10:30
tekctonick: Put an clan wars and get rewards just for 5 vs 5 or smethng what is best and put a lotto win hehe just my suggest.
12-06-23 07:58
kmccloy1: I wish i could equip a second weapon in my shield hand and go all ambidexterous and stuff.
12-06-23 06:04