Announcements » Wishlist
pantera90: this game is too much pay to win
12-07-26 22:29
lady: Skills Tree to all Class,like this example:


Rage: Give +1% Damage on Lv 1
Magic Stell: Incrase ur Dex by 10% and drecrase ur armor by 20% on Lv 1
BloodRain: Give 10% of Last round damage into hp to urself on Lv1

In each 5 lvs u ll win 1 skill point to apply in ur a good idea,all decent rpg have this.
12-07-22 17:36
tarzanx24: Guys help me
to push this idea about castle
game event.. On
event . .event mobs appear
on castle. . Event mobs have
tones of hp let say 10million
hp . . That event mobs have
100minions or small mobs
lets say power of event mobs
was only like rank3 devilking . .while its minions
power was only like hydra
and have let say
50,000hp. . .every time you
kill the minions -50k hp on
event mobs in that case any
lvl can join and attack on
event mobs. . .what can you
say? Its fun all can joinStrong player can attack on event mobs (boss mobs) while weak player can attack small mobs (minions). . . .then on castle
deafeated and pk didnt drop
anything . . Time to attack
was 10sec rest only. . .no
limitation on pvp . . . Which
player the last killer kill the
event mobs . .his clan own
the castle for one week then
the last hiter or killer get
some reward . .also pointadd on clan rankings. .Event games happen in all castle..Event game happen every week. Surely many player back to join that event, many clan improve their clan...
12-07-11 06:07
tarzanx24: then on castle
deafeated and pk didnt drop
anything . . Time to attack
was 10sec rest only. . .no
limitation on pvp . . . Which
player the last killer kill the
event mobs . .his clan own
the castle for one week then
the last hiter or killer get
some reward . .also point
add on clan rankings
12-07-09 06:43
tarzanx24: clash help me
to push this idea about castle
game event.. On
event . .event mobs appear
on castle. . Event mobs have
tones of hp let say 10million
hp . . That event mobs have
200minions are small mobs
lets say power of event mobs
was only like rank3 devil
king . .while its minions
power was only like hydra
and have let say
50,000hp. . .every time you
kill the minions -50k hp on
event mobs in that case any
lvl can join and attack on
event mobs. . .what can you
say? Its fun all can join
12-07-09 06:39
krixus: New class


Str 2
Dex 6
End 3
Wis 9


Soul bind

Removes dex effect if successful.. Al attacks will hit..
Chance 50%

Soul crush

Halfs enemys max damage if successful
Starts at 50%

Absorb damage
Heals by damage delt in round used.. Only once per battle

Basicly a druid in terms of gear and all other spells but missing stoneskin
12-07-07 19:41
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