secretservice: I wish teleport wud be free from credits but pays stamina instead base on how many blocks far from ur current location
12-11-12 23:17
blade_acolyte: I wish that there is quantity box in buying and selling potion/item.. And i wish in christmas that all online player will get premium for the whole day of christmas
12-12-13 16:35
meceenas: Increase a drop rate of tittled items and normal items
12-12-27 22:50
ciege7: #1 A death counter on player pages like wins losses and kills... times killed. Every time they die it goes up plus 1. Maybe it resets if player does. *May or may not be amusing for some s2 players. lol smh* ~ #2 also, maybe a player trophy/leaderboard page... mob type kill pts based. ei. 1000 Nagas, 500 Red Dragons, etc. ea kill type does a n+1 plus... maybe a dif leaderboard for pvp trophy points. ~ #3 Maybe a credit option name change feature with a formerly known as listing with last two or three alias on their player page (no hiding or running), that is limited to be changed once a month or 3, or x num of times.
13-01-31 04:23
hell_bound: I wish that dreamer would remove the 50% limit on spells
13-08-01 23:00