strider: A city for players over 100 and legidary gear for players below 60 also the gear below 60 shude be updated to acomadate the mobs geting stronger, the higher your crafting and mineing lvl the more chance of geting a lvl 5 gem. all i can think of rite now lol
12-06-23 01:05
knight01: I think new spells must be released for each class, BUT you can only get it by reaching lvl 100. Then another stronger spell requiring lvl 120 and so on... This will make a player stick to one account only. And by adding new spells, new stronger mobs for lvl 90 - 100 and lvl 100+ should be added. And i hope that pets should have some Types or Elements (visit the forum> ideas> elemental pets). This will set variations on your pet drags coz all lvl 80+ players might have same pets. That's all. Thanks for the updates and the coming more updates sir dreamer

12-06-23 02:34
hanz10: add: a strong spell for druids which is immune with protection spells.
add: use option while buying potions
12-06-23 03:19
vanish: I have read all comments so far and agree totally that scrolls should not degrade an item .
12-06-23 03:24
darkelf: this suggestion is all about pets. i do like to bring my pet with me in battle and if its possible can you add equipment slots on them? that way we can customize them in our way. or maybe add crystals that increase stats to our pet like attack crystal: +5 permanent to pets attack and so on. dragons are the strongest pet here but if i can make my bear king strong that would be great.
12-06-23 04:25