mindfreak: put a wallpost 10k or 20kgold each post. So if u post or buy or need item everyone see ur post in wall post. Its to easy to communicate other players here! I wish it will be happend
12-07-01 03:52
schmee: how about the ablility to name pets too
12-07-01 03:52
viet_nam: Why i can't by credit in my country ? pls
12-07-01 02:58
clash: We need a moderator storage room where all mods can put gear in it. Thus all mods can take gear out to help new players. Its hard to keep low lvl gear like rings and amulets to help new players when our storage is limited. Just a idea dream. It would need to be monitored however to stop abuse
12-06-30 21:57
schmee: a 'remember me' button when you sign in. so you don't have to keep signing in everytime i comeback
12-06-30 21:31
laimiausias: Com back tankistas from moderator

12-06-30 17:26