Ideas » Status Problem
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hanzel619: or the poison damage will be 1/16 of hp
12-06-30 03:21
hanzel619: how about if players will be affected by these status problems, like poison, paralyzed, numbed, frozen, burned, etc. this will make pvp and hunting more exciting, and it will help druids and paladins to rank to barbarians. for example, if druids used a lot of frost ring master, there's a possibility that the opponent will be frozen(cant moved) or slow(something like the skill of paladin). and when barbs attack using a bloodlust, theres a chance of opponent be stunned or paralyzed for a moment. when a player is poisoned, every move he make, he will be deducted 1-5 hp per move. this is just a suggestion.
12-06-30 03:20
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