Announcements » Vote on Pvp changes!
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clash: Yes they would have there button off free to steal kill shots on quest all they want. Button was tried and it faile. Chow time later have fun
12-07-08 00:30
clash: It wouldn't be chaotic. There is lvl brackets and a attacker opens himself up for some major hurting. Only gear wearing items loss would be castle and arenas. Just stay out of them if you are scared. I gota go hyave fun everybody and I'm sorry for all the ranting but I wanted my stand clear
12-07-08 00:29
oenamaus: No one is trying to force no pvp on you either clash.. They are asking for an option to take part if they want to and noting else.. Then you have what you want.. Pvp everywhere with everyone who agrees with you and wants full pvp.. Everyone else will have there security blanket as you call it or the OFF funtion so they can also play the game how they want to.. No one loses with the option except bullies and that is not a player group that dreamer should be trying to benefit.. Everyone should be able to choose.. Then you are not forced into no pvp and other players are not forced into full pvp.. Only bullys could disagree with this
12-07-08 00:28
teeta: clash, about your point that change being necessary to the game??? You are spouting nonsense. There WAS change. From hardcore, all out PVP, to no PVP, to optional PVP, to limited PVP in limited areas. How's that for change? Yet you, who claim to embrace change, have whined & squealed about EVERY change that resulted in less than outright chaotic violence. So, really, who's afraid of change in this matter?
12-07-08 00:22
clash: They not being forced into nothing why can't you understand that. The no pvp was forced on us. Teeta has been here as long as I have she knows this. Bd even in its beggining stages was PVP. With what dreamer propses. A nuetral and attacker on your profile the attacker is at a disadvantage if he attacks a nuetral he becomes free game meaning if he a lvl 40 a lvl 90 nuetral can plaster him. People will think twice before attackin
12-07-08 00:20
teeta: The PKers don't want optional PVP. They want to force PVP on everyone. Who would they prey on except each other, if PVP is optional?
12-07-08 00:13
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