Ideas » prestiege
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krixus: Right now there is no goal in bd.. So to try and make a goal I thing dreamer should ad a prestiege system.. Soon as a player reaches lvl100 they would be able to start over at lvl1 with a little meddle next to there name.. Similar to a mod badge but different colors and with a small number on it to indicate how many times the player has prestieged.. I'm not sure if you would put a limmit on how many times you can prestiege but I'm guessing 20 would be more than enough anyway..

Now every time a player prestieges they would receive a prestiege token to be used on buying very special perks that can't be gained in any other way for example they could be used to buy a spell from a different class or the ability to wear another classes armor or a dragon titled piece of gear.. Just something to make peoples hard work worth while instead of them fighting for nothing.. I think this could make a huge difference to new and old players and would also go a long way into removing the un equalities in pvp that stand right now.
12-07-07 17:16
oenamaus: Don't think I'm trying to make everyone a diablo class here either.. The time it would take to reach even your 10th prestiege would be over a year but remember each prestiege token can only be swapped for one spell from another class or the ability to use say druids weapons or helms or paladins shields say.. It wouldn't allow use of all gear by them so it would still mean with a limmit of say 20 prestieges that you could never take all spells and the ability to use all classes equipment or enter any town and most of all you would always look like a barb or druid or whatever your starting class was.. Also after 2 prestieges with say a necro or druid no one would want to give up that char and make a new druid as a druid with bloodlust or frenzy and slow would be very powerfull.. Same as a barb with slow or haste or stonskin and the ability to use druids weapons or a pally with bloodlust or whatever.. It would finally make all classes equal depending on desitions made when you use prestiege tokens and would add some sort of pride to a char other than its nikname a 6th prestiege druid or barb would be far more powerful than a first prestiege and it would make it worth while for players to achieve..

For diablo class with each prestiege they should be allowed to pick a 5% bonus to each stat so after completing 20 prestieges they would have a 100% boost to one stat.. All other classes would also have the opertunity to pick a 5% stat boost but few would ever have 100% as spells are much more usefull to them
12-07-09 03:28
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