dreamer: If you are using a touch device (iPhone/iPad/Android/other), let me know how does Touch version look on your device. If you encounter any problems, please report via private message

You can always switch between version in the bottom of home page.
12-08-07 17:30
dreamer: It is using integrated caching mechanism so it MAY cause some troubles. Please let me know where the page is not refreshed automatically to fix it.
12-08-07 17:39
krobelus: it looks good to me. smooth browsing.
12-08-07 17:39
dreamer: It certainly has some problems so let me know if you encounter any - this will speed up the testing.
12-08-07 17:46
krobelus: theres one. all messages in inbox looks like a new one even though i already read it.
12-08-07 17:49