Ideas » Less Stamina used in MP
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angelofsin: Also if you want to use less stamina

- supporter uses 10 stamina per item

- premium uses 5 stamina per item
12-12-02 03:18
xet: agree with boudica -good-
12-11-28 15:34
barabas: yeah i agree make it 5 stamina for items when we put in market
12-09-22 03:13
boudica: People use the Marketplace as if it is their keeper. They dump massive amounts of items there with prices so high it is guaranteed that nobody will buy the items. dreamer put the stamina cost in place to reduce the abuse of the MP.
12-09-17 22:19
hellspawn: Ever had a butt-load of items u just wanted to dump in the market place? But not enough stam. Because the 20stam for 1 item? Y not make it 5 stam per item like wen mining, smithing, or crafting?
12-09-17 01:48
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