Bugs » FLAMTARDANT ISsuEs- gearstat equip proc()
ciege7: So I equip multiple gear with variable elemental prot% stats and it only uses the stat of last equipped item with prot spells than all of the equipd gears. ie Glorious sword 30%, Hydra venom ward 20%, The ward 15%, angel ring 10%, angel ring 10% and my fire prot spell is 43%. Gear alone should equal 85% the fireprot variable. Doesnt. With one efreet fireball atk after the 43% fireprot spell, dmg should be 0 (died). With 2nd fireprot spell and stat of last equipd gear, glorious sword, 2 fire prot and equip yeild 0 dmg from efreet fireball. HOWEVER, if I unequip and requip an angel ring, the gear fire% variable changes from glorious sword 30% to angel ring 10% and i take dmg after 2nd cast of a 43% fire prot spell... 4%dmg. Gear health & mana stats tally up with multiple equips but gear elemental prot% arent adding together. Needs a proc() or call() something that adds and subtracts variables of all gears on equip and unequip than setting gear fire variable to last gear equipped. Got a missing equation do set
12-09-22 21:43
ciege7: (s1v1+s2v1+s3v1+s4v1+s5v1+s6v1+s7v1+s8v1)=gearvariable used with spells variable s=gearslot v1=fireprot v2=waterprot v3=earthprot v4=airprot idk. its broke though. glad the hp and mana plus stats of gear tally up though.
12-09-22 22:49
boudica: Element protection does not sum or stack. For example, if you have 2 rings with 10% protection from air, you will only have 10% protection from air, not 20%.
12-09-27 08:31
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