Ideas » Cargo Shipments - Clan Freight Delivery Services
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ciege7: Also - it sucks taking something to a clan member that suddenly isnt online by the time you get there. Had that happen a few times. Or if you mention a drop they can use to strengthen the clan and they have to go til later? those kind of things happen and regular trade isnt feesible.
12-09-30 07:57
ciege7: Theyd rather ship it and continue hunting in a few clicks than spell port use select offer select click wait wait refresh wait click confirm thx yw spell port us go ... now what was i doing??? Maybe non clan shipments cost xtra or are only express delivery. just ideas.
12-09-30 07:50
ciege7: Clan only freight delivery postal type service. Cant send to a non clan member. Uses the same amount of stamina as market, plus a gold surcharge based on item lvls or value of item. Recipient pays nothing. No CoD. Maybe premium is halfprice the S&H fees and supporter is discounted 20%. Requires a confirmation system like trade accept. If declined by recipient, item and gold surcharge is returned to sender. That way fools dont waste stam and gold bombing items at ea other. Limit 3 items per day. Delivery wait time - delay may be incorporated. EXPRESS may void surcharge and cost a credit like teleport. Same day 6-12 hours(double gold cost) and next day(24hrs). Menu for such a function could be located in the inbox or preferably, in the clan page titled Cargo Shipments, Post Delivery, idk... recipient gets alert just like trade offers.

Possibly pre-mentioned. Greater detail. Havent read the 400plus thread posts. Though gamers could walk the item to them or port to 3rd city to trade, avid hunters wouldnt.
12-09-30 07:45
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