General » Unforgettable experience while playing blackdragon
lordajiee: im selling a ms at blacksmith.... :(
13-04-12 13:47
nrv: Used up three stamina potions and sold one for 100 :(
13-04-12 17:23
saphirerose1: asked for help and actually got it hehe
13-04-15 20:04
yukio: Accidentally selling Archi Magi leader ring for 155000... ;-;
13-04-28 02:28
night_elf: I accidentally reset my first account when I reached level 30. And this one is funny, I bought xxcesarxx1 Hydras Gothic Mail for 2 gold. I felt so evil, yet impressed with myself -rofl-
13-05-26 03:02
night_elf: Oh and another thing, I was level 49 and another player was level 35. I helped the player with gems and then my phone got stolen. After about 3 months I came back finding that player reached level 80. I'm very competitive, so now I'm playing BD for about 12 hours and I sleep for 4 hours. I'll catch up ;)
13-05-26 03:05
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