healer4u: could add a counter to show how long it going to take stamina to recharge even if it one by 1 stamina for 5min or more it help to see if were regain stamina like we should in staid of sit for hr with on stamina hafe the time
10-08-28 17:47
hevnsent: well Dooza you raise a good point since stamina refills can be purchased with credit after all... a pricey exchange of gold for one refill seems fair
10-08-25 19:31
sneakn: how about instead of always trying to get more of something be thankful for what you have. I would love more stamina but am satisfied knowing that I can play this game, have fun doing so, get cool gear and if the stamina changed too much we all be level 50 in a month. Thats kinda nuts. Anyway thats my thought.
10-08-23 16:53
judgement: They already have credits in place for stamina rejuvenation.
10-08-23 12:23
jerb: I have 26k gold and a full inv. Of high level gear... maby give like 20 stam for 5k pot with a low vendor drop rate... super challenge mode.
10-08-22 10:01
dooza: Each time you use stamina pot it costs 10k gold an fully regenerates your stamina they should be sold in shop
10-08-22 01:02