drrockso: I kill m0re m0nstrz than u dumb fk. L0ok at the rankings.
10-09-01 00:01
rednails: hey dr rockso, on server 2 the top ppl have been eliminated from the tournament, including drama. so yeah i think it is random.so quit whining and build your character and maybe you can make the top too!
10-09-01 00:19
drrockso: Lmao idgaf bout server 2 d0rk. Mind ur buisness.
10-09-01 00:28
drrockso: Whole problem would be solved if tournement battles were to the death. Then it would truely show who is best n0t just who "rand0mly" w0n.
10-09-01 00:30
rednails: i guess when you think you can run your mouth about ppl in an open forum its everyones business to put you in your place butt munch
10-09-01 00:35
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