General » Tournaments
judgement: I'm guessing dr got spanked in the tourney despite being in a top clan.
10-09-01 00:53
lightning: Ok did anyone else really look at the battles on the server 2 tourney ? They all screwed up
10-09-01 01:36
drrockso: Im guessing i made it farther than u and im just sayin y make a stat that is useless? Battles are s0 short 4 endurance w0uld be plenty. If u simple minded mfrs w0uld st0p running u r m0uths u would see. . . It is a flawed pvp system. It requires 0 skill and rewards th0se who w0rk 0nly 2 stats. N0w im d0ne talkin 2 the l0w level crap talkerz. Fr0m n0w 0n just imagine im 0nly talkn to players tryn to impr0ve the game.
10-09-01 01:36
drrockso: Lol and btw its n0t a top clan its THE T0P CLAN. :)
10-09-01 01:40
crysania: Its whoever buys the most credits win!!! Thats how it works. armor class and gear doesnt matter.
10-09-01 03:56
drrockso: Go0d sales tactic. Lmao
10-09-01 04:49
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