General » Tournaments
drrockso: Mayb if i c0mplaind less and kissd m0re butt my clan w0uld /rand0mly/ d0 better. Lmgdao
10-08-31 20:42
drrockso: Lmao n0 this isnt a fixed tourney. Imagine that drama g0t 2 chars left yet n0t 0ne char fr0m 1st place clan makes it even to t0p 8. Thats s0me mutha fudgn bullp0op.
10-08-31 20:37
thor: I enjoyed it. I knew I might lose in 3rd round but it just showed me how to make a better char.
10-08-31 03:47
drrockso: S0 everyone cept me 0k with the tourney? I w0ulda rather l0st t0 diablos little char than s0me dude with 78ac. Lmao. What a joke. At least play tournement matches to the death , 0r give me a way to opt out.
10-08-31 01:24
dreamer: aries, someone has to win anyway.. And the defender wins in such cases.
10-08-29 22:38
aries: Like it was a tie but it says i lost and it doesnt make sense the thing says zero to zero
10-08-29 13:58
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