arthur101: the legend arthur part 2 after years and year the great arthur102 was the most leader of the world he re assembled all countrys continents together and made them called earth no more america or australlia they were all earth. and at the age of 67 the great arthur died. arthur son who was called arthur101 became king and all of sudden the kingdom lost the biggest power earth all the countries wr separated again by the son of crypt cybot who was even more powerfull experienced and evil . so now arthur101 had to do somthing he found out that cyybot built a great army and demolished arthur kingdom so he decided to (to be continued)
12-12-27 21:23
cobraking94: Long time ago when the magic controled the world , was born an hero in barbarian tribe hes name is cobraking. He go alone to kill the blackdragon but the monster was too strong. The dragon was near to be killed but with hes magic power do a very strong spell how controled the soul of barbarian. THE black dragon send the barbarian to kill arthur but becouse the barbarian is controled and become weaker arthur was near to kill him but he run far away to a witch called shatter and she used barbarian blood and the powers of evil forces and make the horse of dead called ruler. She tell cobraking all about horses powers and is necesary to feed him with human flesh. For cobraking is easy to feed human becouse he now kille all good humans. He will go to take the revenge from arthur with his black horse ruler ..... TO BE CONTINUED....
12-12-27 21:36
xet: arthur

ur awesome lol
12-12-29 15:54
gilang: The Legend of Black Dragon
Once upon a time the BD world has only one world. The people in BD was lived in peace under the rule of King Dreamer. The King has a strong and must trustworthly Knight,his name was Urtikhar.
But one day,Urtikhar think he is stronger than King Dreamer and he challenge King Dreamer into a battle,but when he almost lost the battle,he used the rod of the demon to conjured the great legendary creature from hell,The black Dragon.
Then,King Dreamer use "the sword of kúrð" to divide the world into S1 and S2. The power banish Urtikhar to S2,and Urtikhar became the ruler of S2.
Some man,including Dreamer goes to S2 to kill Black Dragon and defeat Urtikhar forever.....
And one day,a king from Erathia come to kill Black Dragon,his name was......
13-01-05 08:36
gilang: I think I did some(or many) mistakes in this story.....
13-01-05 08:56
mietektek: why arthur101,gilang?
your story have a different background with arthur's story,but the hero is same....
13-01-06 10:51