General » add ur stories here
yoshikage: Hi,all...My real name is Alexander Yoshikage.I have 21 years and I live in USA.I am born in Korea,but for one family reason I am escaping with Dad whose live here.He is not My biologycal dad.So I want to make a good friends and one day to make my own BD clan.I like this game,because is good members in here.So...if You want to ask me a question from My life or the game,its free to ask.-Forget about past,look on future-.MESSAGE OVER.
13-02-08 03:57
lordajie: My name is lordajie. Im a paladin from erathia city. My duty to protect my king from attack by blackdragon. One beautiful day, my king gave me order to kill blackdragon. I cant reject that order, even i know i will be killed by blackdragon. While i was going to conflux town, i met someone, And her name was shatter. But, she was bleeding, i didn't thought she would survive. She told me to not go to conflux,Because blackdragon destroy conflux town and killed everyone. but i ignore her. And then shatter give me a magic scroll to learn chain lightning spell. When i arrived at the conflux, i saw blackdragon is sleeping. Thats my chance to kill him. I prepare to cast chain lightning. But, blackdragon woke up and fly after me. I casted a few chain lightning, and he always avoid it. Im almost out of mana, i close my eyes and cast my last chain lightning. And i got it. Blackdragon is almost die. And then i stab his head with my sword. I kill blackdragon, and i be a legend now... THE END
13-01-08 05:44
arthur102: thanks everyone
13-01-06 15:12
mietektek: why arthur101,gilang?
your story have a different background with arthur's story,but the hero is same....
13-01-06 10:51
gilang: I think I did some(or many) mistakes in this story.....
13-01-05 08:56
gilang: The Legend of Black Dragon
Once upon a time the BD world has only one world. The people in BD was lived in peace under the rule of King Dreamer. The King has a strong and must trustworthly Knight,his name was Urtikhar.
But one day,Urtikhar think he is stronger than King Dreamer and he challenge King Dreamer into a battle,but when he almost lost the battle,he used the rod of the demon to conjured the great legendary creature from hell,The black Dragon.
Then,King Dreamer use "the sword of kúrð" to divide the world into S1 and S2. The power banish Urtikhar to S2,and Urtikhar became the ruler of S2.
Some man,including Dreamer goes to S2 to kill Black Dragon and defeat Urtikhar forever.....
And one day,a king from Erathia come to kill Black Dragon,his name was......
13-01-05 08:36
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