lilpikachu313: Rest in peace... I never knew you, but many people will miss you. He had an effect on many people, online and in real life. For all his friends, we hope he is still happy, wherever he resides now. :'
13-11-25 00:37
lightning: I am sad to read this . Goodbye old friend.....
13-11-19 07:07
triffid: What? Da lizking dead? When? How? He gave me decent newb startup gear whn I 1st found Shade
13-11-14 09:27
beg4mercy: am a newbie and dont even knw this person but upon reading msgs from people who knw him i am deeply saddened by it, he seems a good guy. RiP

i know you're still playing BD up there. kidding. You're now not just a part of a story, but history as part of this game and for people who knew you yet never even met you. ^^
13-09-20 14:16