skatergirl13: idk who lzrdking was,but still R.I.P.
13-05-11 03:28
kleenor: thnks... dude.... really... thankz!!
13-06-09 06:34
retromarthmus: Its a very tragic loss... I pay my deepest respects, as from the coments on this fourm that lzrdking was a ver loved and cared for person...
13-09-19 15:20
beg4mercy: am a newbie and dont even knw this person but upon reading msgs from people who knw him i am deeply saddened by it, he seems a good guy. RiP

i know you're still playing BD up there. kidding. You're now not just a part of a story, but history as part of this game and for people who knew you yet never even met you. ^^
13-09-20 14:16